Two point five days left!

Day 8 of Liver Cleanse…Thank goodness for Snap, Whole Foods and Central Market! Snap really has a great offer for people like me and John. We don’t cook that much, it’s only the two of us and lots of food goes bad in our refrigerator. At Snap, there’s a variety of foods available at a fraction of the cost and time it would have taken me to cook it. I love that place!

One other thing I’m happy to give props to is a new cleaning product we introduced into the home. Nothing makes a house look better and brighter than clean windows! I tell my clients that all of the time. Recently, I’ve noticed that our own windows were getting kind of dingy. This weekend's project was cleaning the windows. I thought it was going to take hours and really wanted to hire someone to clean them for us. In light of the new economy, we headed off to Home Depot and bumped into Windex Outdoor All-In-One. A few dollars and twenty minutes later, our windows were crystal clear. It was like a miracle.


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