Packing up!
When I think back to what could have made the process easier, all I come up with are the boxes and the duct tape. The process of having to accumulate the boxes and the decision of which tape to buy always seems overwhelming to me. It doesn’t matter whether you are hiring a moving company or not. Most likely you will still be in charge of packing your belongings. Over the years I’ve tried different approaches. Fancy box purchases at the UHaul Store, borrowed boxes, Home Depot boxes. It was always something different for me, whatever was convenient whenever I was finally motivated to make the purchase. Then there was the tape debate that John and I always have. He likes duct tape, I like whatever tape is nearby. We also differ on how to tape the boxes, but I usually concede to his criss-cross approach so that I won’t be to blame if a box falls apart.
If you are going through a move right now, my heart goes out to you! If you are one of my clients, know that I am working to develop processes that will make your move easier in the next few months.
I’ll leave you with my personal favorite moving experience…
Back in June of 1999, my niece helped me pack when I moved from El Paso to Austin and she wrote little notes on the tape. Things like “I’m going to miss you” and “I love you” on the tape that covered the salt and pepper shakers. That made unpacking feel like a treasure hunt because I couldn’t wait to find her next message.
I’ll leave you with my personal favorite moving experience…
Back in June of 1999, my niece helped me pack when I moved from El Paso to Austin and she wrote little notes on the tape. Things like “I’m going to miss you” and “I love you” on the tape that covered the salt and pepper shakers. That made unpacking feel like a treasure hunt because I couldn’t wait to find her next message.
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